Monday, July 13, 2015

Stage 10 Predictions

After a rest day, we finally get some true GC excitement as well as a handover of the polka-dot jersey. Great job for Teklahaimanot, but it's time for the big boys to come out and play.

Stage 10: Tarbres to La Pierre-Saint-Martin - 167 km

Stage Finish:
1) Froome
2) Van Garderen
3) Quintana

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Froome
Vert) Greipel
Pois Rouges) Froome
Blanc) Quintana
Laterne Rouge) Matthews

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stage 9 Predictions

Sorry guys, I forgot to do a prediction yesterday for stage 8. It was a complicated stage and there was no way anyone was going to predict the winner. Today will be exciting. Look for Orica-GreenEdge to be last place, because they've lost a third of their team unfortunately.

Stage 9 (TTT): Vannes to Plumelec - 28 km

Stage Finish:
1) BMC
2) Astana
3) Sky
Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Van Garderen
Vert) Sagan
Pois Rouges) Teklahaimanot
Blanc) Sagan
Laterne Rouge) Matthews

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Stage 7 Predictions

Stage 7: Livarot to Fougères - 191.5 km

Stage Finish:
1) Cavendish
2) Sagan
3) Greipel

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Froome
Vert) Sagan
Pois Rouges) Teklahaimanot
Blanc) Sagan
Laterne Rouge) Matthews

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stage 6 Predictions

Stage 6: Abbeville to Le Havre - 191.5 km

Stage Finish:
1) Sagan
2) Van Avermaet
3) Degenkolb

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Martin
Vert) Greipel
Pois Rouges) Rodriguez
Blanc) Sagan
Laterne Rouge) Matthews

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stage 5 Predictions

The carnage never came. Onwards to less exciting stages. Until 8 and 9 at least. I have to say that I got the top 3 correct, minus flipping GVA and Sagan, and of course Tony Martin spoiling everyone's party.

Stage 5: Arras to Amiens - 189.5 km

Stage Finish:
1) Cavendish
2) Sagan
3) Bouhanni

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Martin
Vert) Sagan
Pois Rouges) Rodriguez
Blanc) Sagan
Laterne Rouge) Matthews

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cancellara Abandons and Other Carnage

That's all she wrote. And I've lost all reason to be excited about anything anymore.

This guy rode 50 km through some hills after fracturing two vertebra. Ouch. I bet you can't do that. I'm happy to cause some injury if you want to take me up on this bet.

And while he was in yellow as well. Such a shame.

And here are more pictures of the crash:

Of note is the last picture, of the rider writhing in agony on the ground. Laurens ten Dam dislocated his shoulder, popped it back in, and finished the stage. Again, I bet you can't do that, though I'm happy to help if you'd like to try.

And here's some video, with very entertaining Dutch commentary:

Stage 4 Predictions

Massive crash today on the run in to Huy. Unfortunately, many abandoned, including Dumoulin and Gerrans. Such a shame. Cancellara was also badly hurt, and we'll see if he continues on or not. In any case, Stage 4 is not for Spartacus to try anything anymore. Good to see Arredondo and Mollema up front, though. Tomorrow's stage will be massive carnage. Stay tuned.

Stage 4: Seriang to Cambria (via 7 secteurs of cobbles) - 224 km

Stage Finish:
1) Degenkolb
2) GVA
3) Sagan

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) GVA
Vert) Greipel
Pois Rouges) Rodriguez
Blanc) Sagan
Laterne Rouge) Irizar

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Stage 3 Predictions

Spartacus in the Maillot Jaune again. For the 29th time. It's great. Maybe his last tour? But sending it off in style. Maybe we can see some more ridiculousness in the maillot jaune in the next couple days. Stage 3 and 4 will be ridiculous. Watch for some fireworks here in the last 5 km. Maybe up to 15 different riders could win today's stage.

Stage 3: Anvers to (Mur de) Huy - 159.5 km

Stage Finish:
1) Valverde
2) Dan Martin
3) Albasini

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Dumoulin
Vert) Greipel
Pois Rouges) Valverde
Blanc) Dumoulin
Laterne Rouge) Didier

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Stage 2 Predictions

Looks like my first day Laterne Rouge prediction was correct. Mikael Cherel came in 3:36 in arrears of Rohan Dennis. Somehow, he wasn't kicked out, even though he finished more than 20% past the winner's time, which was a record.

Stage 2: Utrecht to Zeeland - 166 km

Stage Finish:
1) Cav
2) Greipel
3) Sagan

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Dennis
Vert) Cav
Pois Rouges) Alberto
Blanc) Dennis
Laterne Rouge) Quemeneur

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Stage 1 Predictions

Going to be a TdF prediction blog for the next three weeks. Stay tuned every day for predictions. If I miss one please let me know. If you disagree, please let me know. This is all just my opinion.

Stage 1 ITT: Utrecht - 13.8 km

Stage Finish:
1) Panzerwagen
2) Spartacus
3) Dumoulin

Maillots after the stage:
Jaune) Panzerwagen
Vert) Spartacus
Pois Rouges) Alberto
Blanc) Dumoulin
Laterne Rouge) Cherel