Sunday, May 10, 2015

Game 4 - The Lord Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away

Poor offense in the fourth quarter contributed to the loss. In fact, the game was well in hand: 11-point lead with 43 seconds left in the 3rd quarter. How can you lose? Because you're cold. And don't make any shots in the fourth quarter. It's amazing that the Bulls were able to force the Cavs into a last second shot. They were down 5 points with 28 seconds left. Somehow they were able to win by making a 3, and then forcing LeBron into a turnover.

Unfortunately, a rule loophole was exposed in the last sequence. While the officials were viewing the replay to determine how much time would be left on the clock, the Cavs were granted an unofficial time out, where they were able to huddle-up and draw up a play. That's unacceptable, to allow a team without any timeouts to gain a timeout for free because of a rule loophole involving free timeouts during a review. That needs to change.

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