Friday, May 8, 2015

Guest Post - Ode to 21 Melon

This is a guest poem, by loyal reader Swansea:

Oh twenty one
on Melon street
how I love thee
I'll count the ways:

your yellowing walls
somewhat dim halls
letters strewn
(NY'ers too)

warhol's madonna
artsy, n'est pas?
hiding something
ev'n god knows not

walls of fame
and mugshots tame
Justice fitting,
canine or not

couch groove there?
work manifest
c'est pour mon frere
degrees to come

sultry Leah
watching nature
plum idea
tho' she can seeya

These warm my heart
from times far past
nostalgia lies
but not this time

A dented wall?
Just please don't ask
antique cereal?
and please don't tell

'cause while some call these flaws
I call them you
Oh my Melon
Feel you for me too?

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