Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar?

Not much, because let's assume that a pack of 6 goes for $6. If you go to the Aldi, a pack of 6 Kodiak bars is like $3, if you like knock-off brands. So basically a Klondike bar is worth $1 (plus tax if you come from a state that charges tax for food purchases). Then, you have to go to the store to buy them. Let's assume that you have to drive 8 mile total to the store and back, so that's like $1 worth of gas. So now it's up to $2.

Anyways, let's get back to something meaningful. Now let's value your time as well. If you're 0-9 years old, your time is worth ($100)/hr. If you're 10-18 years old, your time is worth ($50)/hr. If you're 19-22 years old, your time is worth $0/hr. If you're 23-29 years old, your time is worth $50/hr. If you're 30-39 years old, your time is worth $100/hr. If you're 40-49 years old, your time is worth $50/hr. If you're 50-59 years old, your time is worth $0/hr. If you're 60-69 years old, your time is worth ($50)/hr. If you're 70-79 years old, your time is worth ($100)/hr. If you're 80-89 years old, your time is worth ($150)/hr. If you're 90-99 years old, your time is worth ($200)/hr. If you're 100-109 years old, your time is worth $1,000/hr. If you're 110-119 years old, your time is worth $10,000/hr. If you're 120-129 years old, your time is worth $100,000/hr. If you're 130-139 years old, your time is worth $1,000,000/hr. Note that ($X) means negative $X, for those of you unfamiliar with the notation that I stole from someone else.

Please neglect all of these values if you're reading this blog. For all readers of this blog, your time is worth ($1,000)/hr, since you could have accomplished something meaningful in the time that it takes you to read this blog every day.

Here's Jeralean Talley, of Inkster Michigan, who is the oldest person in the world, at the young age of 115. She just celebrated her 116th birthday. I value her time at $10,000/hr.

Let's say that on average your time is worth $100, and it'll take 30 minutes to go shopping and back, so that's $50. So in total, a Klondike bar is worth $52, since someone has bothered to bring it to you so you don't have to go to the store.

What can I buy with $52? Many things.
-A flight to Baltimore
-A roundtrip bus ticket to New York
-204 McNuggets
-One Red Sox ticket
-2 tubes of Glycogen
-A full tank of gas
-Tuition at Wollongong University (Dubai)
-A Klondike Bar

So, what would you do for a Klondike bar?

This is what I'd do to a Klondike bar.

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