Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I'm Addicted to Anger and Sarcasm

People are addicted to many different things. I'm addicted to anger and sarcasm. They're two of my favorite feelings. I love being sarcastic, and I love when people are sarcastic to me. Believe it or not, I also like being angry. I don't like being angry at specific people, but I'm very happy when I'm angry in general. It's like when you're a person who just likes to be happy. Well I like to be angry.

But in the past I've never really expressed my anger productively. Now I am. If you quantified my anger every single day, it would correlate to how long of a blog post I'm about to write. But how would you know? You don't even follow this blog daily. How can you say that you know how angry I am on a given day if you don't even read this blog.

Anyways, you should keep reading this blog to see how angry I am by correlation. Remember, the longer the posts, the happier I am, because the angrier I am.

These are some of the things that I love being angry about the most:

-Bad drivers
-Poor drivers
-Getting cut off
-People not driving the speed limit
-People who run red lights
-People who don't like driving
-People who don't like planes
-Bad infrastructure
-When your flight is delayed
-When your flight is early
-Public Transportation
-Private Transportation
-When two trucks drive down both lanes of a 2-lane interstate and block traffic
-The Democratic Party
-The Republican Party
-When someone else, who's not me or my team, wins
-Why you don't read this blog every day, what happened to the support you promised?
-Why you read this blog everyday, do you even have a life?

Anyways, if you see me on the street, make sure you say hi, and if I'm angry, I'll say hi back. Otherwise I'll probably ignore you because I'm pretty unhappy because I'm not angry. If you keep talking to me and I keep ignoring you, eventually I will also say hi to you because I'll be eventually getting angry at people in general, but not you, so I'll be happy and say hi. Here's a random picture of a thing that makes me angry, which in turn makes me happy because at least other people are being inconvenienced, and I gain utility when other people are inconvenienced slightly more than I am.

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