Sunday, April 5, 2015

Public Service Announcement: No Post Today

For all of the 23 followers of this blog, please note that I will not be making a post today. Because it's Easter Sunday. And De Ronde is going on right now.

And don't call me a hypocrite for making a blog post about how there won't be a blog post today. I actually wrote this post yesterday (or for me currently it would be today), since I plan a lot and am stretching out my content.

And this is why I don't bike in Boston. Or anywhere with cars.


  1. Here's a PSA. Wear your bicycle helmets, people! And use good hand signals like these guys were doing. That unfortunate cyclist is alive today because of his bike helmet and and signals.

    1. No, those cyclists weren't signaling. They were gesturing their disrespect to the driver.
