Thursday, April 9, 2015

No Blog Posts for a Few Days

I'm going to be out of town for a few days to a land where people are happier, healthier, tanner, and lazier. If you wonder why I ever moved away from that land where drivers are slower, stupider, passiver, and slower, it's because I'm afraid of earthquakes. Not those small ones around 5.0, I'm talking about the larger ones around 7.0 or higher, not that I've been in one, I've only been in one around 5.5.

Anyways, I'll submit a non-detailed trip report when I return. I'm taking a Delta flight paid for by SkyPesos. It's my first Delta flight, if you don't count the Northwest flight I took in 1991 to leave the People's Republic. Anyways, we'll see what happens right? Stupidly, I also have a huge layover in the land of deep fried Twinkies, but at least those people are nice, right?

Anyways, here's a list of upcoming blog post topics:
-Introduction to Kabbadi
-Introduction to Biathlon
-Detailed Analysis of the Men's events at the Biathlon World Championships
-Trip Paid by SkyPesos
-How the Next Major Race was Lost
-Reasons Why You Still Read this Blog
-How to Become a Misanthrope
-Guest Post I
-Which Fish to Avoid if You Don't Want to Get Sick
-List of My Favorite Blogs
-How to Eat Fried Worms
-Having Fun Isn't Hard, When You've Got a Library Card
-Trek Factory Racing Rider Profiles
-Guest Post II
-What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar?
-In-depth Analysis of the PBS Drug Bugs Commercial from the Early 1990s
-Everything You Should Know About Trout and Salmon
-How to Not Get Lost. Ever.
-Vermeer's Greatest Works
-A Day in the Life of the Most Boring Person in the World
-I Don't Always Have Fun, but When I Do, I Prefer to Have it at the Expense of Someone Else

If you have any suggestions on content, please feel free to let me know, because I'm always starved for content. And if you want to make a guest post, please let me know as well. I'm always happy to let other people do my work for me.


  1. Can I please write a guest post? Please?? Some of my topics can include: awkward running stretches, selecting the appropriate size of running shorts, the physics of running, a brief history of track and field, Feshbach resonances in ultracold atoms, the art of the skyhook, the art of fried Chinese dumplings, the historical resurrection of Jesus, long-haul flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator... and the list goes on. I really want to be a guest contributor!!

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately, because you commented anonymously, I have no way to contact you other than to write this reply. I'm happy to allow you to write a guest post. Please send me a Facebook message and we can figure this out.
