Friday, April 3, 2015

I'm Bored Because I'm Boring

Yeah I decided to start this after initially deciding not to, but since people like to hear misanthropic, stream-of-consciousness rambling in general, I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. So that people have stuff to read once in awhile. If this becomes bothersome, or if I get even more bored than usual, then please forgive me for not keeping this up to date. Also, this seems like a better idea than limiting myself to 140 characters via twitter in order to make snarky remarks about nothing. Likely, this will end up being a lost blog which I make a few posts, no one reads the posts, then I make a few more posts, and then no one reads those posts, then I get pretty bored and start reading other peoples' blogs, then I realize that those other blogs are better than mine, and then I shut mine down because people should read better blogs than this one.

A big thanks to the following blogs for giving me the initial inspiration to screw with people and make them think I was going to start a blog, and then after they realized I wasn't going to start one, I ended up screwing with them and then starting one anyways. Here are the blogs that you should read:

LVantData (
Noah in Tokyo (
Albert's stream-of-consciousness blog which was taken down because he was embarrassed about it.
The ELSI blog (
My Yelp Reviews (

Also, I hope you are having a Good Friday. I don't feel like attaching any images this time.

Also, I'd like to thank one of my college friends for the inspiring title that I ended up using. Never did I think that something we came up with at random almost 10 years ago would be useful. If you want some royalties, you'll have to contact my lawyer.


  1. Pssh, the free web site hosting went down and I lost the files.

    Maybe I'll start a new one.

  2. I finally remembered what your blog title reminded me of. Man that was bugging me

    I wonder--Coincidence, or accidental inspiration?

    1. Complete Coincidence. Someone else came up with the title almost 10 years ago. I'll let them claim the credit, if they feel like.

    2. Illuminati conspiracy, got it

    3. Illuminati conspiracy, got it
