Wednesday, April 15, 2015

On why Alaska Airlines is Awesome

First of all, there was a Déjà Vu moment on an Asiana Airlines flight yesterday. Incredibly ironic for many reasons, if you want to know exactly why, just let me know and I will tell you, faster than you can say Poopty Peupty Pantssss.

Anyways, on to the main topic.

So why aren't all of the other airlines as good as Alaska Airlines? Why are they less friendly? Why are they less on time? Why are the IFEs worse? Why is the in-flight product worse? What happened to Fly the Friendly Skies? Why are their planes old and dilapidated? Why are they still flying old MDs? What happened to treating customers with respect? Why doesn't everyone else have a 20 minute baggage guarantee? And I'm not talking about you, Delta, because you just copy everything Alaska does, including trying to take over Seattle in its place and trying to undercut them out.


All the rest of you should shape up, otherwise I'm going to stop flying you when my status disappears. It's unfortunate that Alaska is in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, otherwise I would fly them all the time. It seems unreasonable to fly from Boston to Seattle and then back to Philly/BWI if I want to visit my dad. But I would do it just so I can tell all the other airlines (Southwest is ok) that look, this is what I did because you're so bad.

Maybe it's time to move to the Pacific Northwest?

Please note that this post only pertains to domestic products. The international products of airlines in America is acceptable, but nowhere approaching the quality of those from Asia and Europe (at least the non LCCs).

Also, would any other airline stop if this situation occurred? Almost certainly not in Asia.

If you're interested in learning more about some of the things that I find crappy about flying, please visit the following blogs:

And some amusing pictures from The Cranky Flier which will make no sense to most of you. It's a great blog by a guy who is cranky all the time, just like me:

Note that I will have a guest post on April 23rd by a loyal reader named Salmon.

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